Silence is very important if you want to succeed
Without the ability to concentrate and maintain a quiet environment,
it will be impossible to achieve much in your daily assignments
Without mental focus, your mind will be occupied with noise.
A moment of meditation will help you to gain control of the mind
Silence will help you discover new ideas on how to face your daily challenges
Understand the importance of being patient in everything
Silence will help you discipline yourself.
Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie is a Roman Catholic Nun. She belongs to the religious order of “Oblates of St. Benedict Joseph Labre” in Italy. She is a graduate of the University of Bari where she obtained her Bachelor's and Masters' degrees in “Information and Communication Technologies for the Production of Software” and “Computer Science” respectively. Currently, she is carrying out research work on “E-learning for Developing Countries”.
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