Fourteenth of February
A day of love and hearts
But also a day of penance
A day that tears us apart.
Ash Wednesday, that's what it's called
A solemn start to Lent
A time of sacrifice and reflection
A time of repentance.
Two seemingly contradictory days
On the same calendar page
But perhaps there is more to it
Than just coincidence or fate.
For what is love without sacrifice?
Without giving up on the one we love?
And what is Lent without love
Without the love of the Lord?
Ashes on our foreheads
A sign of our human frailty
But also a symbol of the cross
And of Christ's love and humility.
Let us stand at the intersection
Of love and forgiveness, passion and reflection
With humble hearts and solemn minds
And navigate this unique confection.
Let us show love not only to our loved ones
But to those who are in need
Let us make sacrifices
As Christ did for us on the cross, indeed.
Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day together
Remind us to love and pray
For the greatest love of all
We find in Him every day.
Let us rejoice
In this bond created in February
For through both love and penance
We grow closer to the Almighty.
© Prisca Onyinye Nwokorie
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