Like a sparkling star Placed in a world of dark I am God’s gift A precious and unique mark Formed with love and care I am His creation divine A treasure beyond compare With a […]
Like a sparkling star Placed in a world of dark I am God’s gift A precious and unique mark Formed with love and care I am His creation divine A treasure beyond compare With a […]
The last day of the year brings us back to the beginning. To end well, we must reconnect to what is at the beginning and foundation of our life.Of course, sometimes we are delighted that […]
The human heart is comparable to a gardenYou reap only what you sow as some produce a distinct amount of fruitsAll depends on your choice of plantGuard the good things growing in your heart.In the […]
Put yourself in God’s presence and reflect:Think about His goodnessThank Him for His love, mercy and graceBe grateful for His salvation on you. Connect your spirit with God in prayerHe stands to attain at the door […]
A butterfly is a colourful insectSome take a look at it as beautifulOthers simply admire the colourMany people admire the way it flies. Out of a tiny yellow egg, it emerges as a caterpillarwith time it […]
Come and watch a live comedyThey are on it againThey have returned to repeat the same scenarioIt is becoming more interesting than ever. Make up your mind what you will beCome out to the mark or […]
Just as every design incorporates a unique patternNo two people are gifted the sameMy talent is my gift from GodIt has been given to me for a purpose. Some talents are hidden while some are visible […]
From heaven, the Lord rained a saving bread that the chosen ones may not starve on our journey towards the promised land Their passage through the desert was long The Lord remained their great provider. […]
God’s timing comes with special gracesHe is with us in every moment of lifeHe holds onto the grace He has offered usHis timing is different from ours. God’s timing is a mysteryHis ways are beyond human […]